Module 8

Dive into the Advanced techniques
Ensemble learning

Last but not the least, the topic which you should probably know about when you want to become a data science practitioner is ensemble learning – which essentially is a powerful way to improve the performance of your predictive models.

This module focuses on the intuition behind doing ensembling, and basic concepts and ideas of ensemble learning. This should be enough for you to start building ensembles at your own end.

The agenda includes the following:

  • Basics of Ensembling
  • Commonly used Ensemble learning techniques
    • Bagging models
    • Boosting models

Click here to access this module.

How to access the rest of the course

  1. Apply here to get your student account verified. If you are not registered, register and then apply for student verification. Your profile will be verified within 24-48 hours.
  2. Once the profile is verified, you will receive an email of verification.
  3. Post verification, you can now access the course module here. Make sure you login before you can access the course
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