Course Ends 8th July 15th July
You may now have gotten a gist of how statistics can be used to best describe the data. But you can also go further this and draw inferences beyond the immediate available data. There is a whole horizon of scientific theory behind this – known as Inferential Statistics.
With the help of inferential statistics, we can answer a question like this. Let’s say you collected the salary details of Data Science professionals in Bangalore. And you observed that the average salary of Bangalore’s data scientists is more than the average salary across India. Now, we can conclude if the difference is really a thing and not just an anomaly.
The agenda for week 4 covers Inferential Statistics
How to access the module
- Apply here to get your student account verified. If you are not registered, register and then apply for student verification. Your profile will be verified within 24-48 hours.
- Once the profile is verified, you will receive an email of verification.
- You can now access the course module here. Make sure you login before you can access the course